Wolverines in a changing landscape and warming climate

Wolverine photo courtesy Wolverine Foundation.

Round River Science Director Kim Heinemeyer is a coauthor on a new paper in the journal Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 34, April 2022, 2019, “Wolverines (Gulo gulo) in a changing landscape and warming climate: A decadal synthesis of global conservation ecology research.” Abstract Wolverines are vulnerable to multiple, widespread, increasing forms of human activity so […]

Conservation Work In The Makgadikgadi

Elephant herd in Botswana, Africa.

For 40 years, Dennis Sizemore of the American conservation organization Round River has worked as a researcher, manager and fundraiser, in regions as diverse as Utah and Montana, as well as the Yukon and British Columbia…

Make way for the ungulates

A magazine spread image of a zebra herd in Africa.

It is simply visceral. Witnessing northern Botswana’s multiplicity of life, it imaginably harkens to our collective savannah beginnings or directly to our childhood fantasies. The lands comprising Botswana’s iconic natural areas, the Greater Okavango Delta…