Round River, in partnership with the University of Botswana Okavango Research Institute (ORI) and local Community Trusts, is assisting with wildlife monitoring in selected Wildlife Management Areas in northern Botswana.

For millennia, great herds of wildlife, from Namibia’s Zambezi, Zimbabwe’s Hwange and Botswana’s Linyanti, Chobe and Okavango Delta, travelled to reach the nutrient rich grasses of the Makgadikgadi-Nxai Pans and the Central Kalahari. Our principle goal is to reestablish this largest and longest of Southern Africa’s large mammal migrations and to provide mechanisms to maintain this essential ecological process to sustain Botswana’s wildlife populations.


Rhinos in Namibia

The deserts of the Kunene Region of Namibia represent one of the last true wildernesses remaining in southern Africa. This very distinctive desert ecoregion is home to the black rhino, the famed desert elephants, as well as lion, cheetah, leopard, hyena, mountain zebra, giraffe, springbok, oryx and kudu. This desert is also the home to the Damara, Himba and Herrero people who live in this remote region of northwestern Namibia.