Stepping Aside – Co-Founder and Former Chair, Doug Peacock
Without Doug Peacock’s guidance and friendship Round River simply would not be the strong organization and leader in conservation that it is today. Friend, hero, curmudgeon, and mentor for 25 years he walked point for this organization. Today, out of sheer necessity all of his energies must be focused on his beloved Yellowstone Grizzly Bear.
Stepping Up — Round River New Chair, John D. Ward

John has always guided our efforts with his people, the Taku River Tlingit First Nation, and has served on the Round River board for over 15 years. As a respected Elder, Round River will now, even more, benefit from his wise counsel throughout all of our endeavors. Additionally, as the vast majority of our work involves indigenous people, we hope that by John accepting this role as our leader we may properly honor all our partners.
As Spokesperson for the Taku River Tlingit First Nation, John achieved meaningful management of their traditional lands. Through his private consulting firm, John also provides land planning and organizational assistance to First Nations in British Columbia and the Yukon Territory.